Strategic management applied to the Six-Sigma suitability appraisal for R&D in FMCG companies


  • Davidson Lütkenhaus Procter & Gamble – Research Engineer – Home Care Product and Process Engineering – Address: Temselaan 100 – B-1853 - Strombeek-Bever
  • Marcella Nunes de Freitas


Palabras clave:

Fast Moving Consumer Goods, DMAIC, Technology Management, Total Quality Management


This research assesses the suitability of the Six-sigma program for R&D in FMCG companies. The study also includes an analysis of its potential advantages and challenges for this business area. This was performed through data acquisition using a web-based survey targeting large scale multinational companies. Results showed that most R&D personnel within FMCG companies see Six-sigma as a positive methodology for their sector. Roughly 80% of the participants selected time saving and better knowledge allocation as the main advantages of the Six-sigma system. Almost 90% of the survey contributors believe that the series of potential benefits could lead to important scientific breakthroughs. A financial challenge is expected with the implementation and it was said to be the main concern of R&D personnel, especially from those with managerial backgrounds. Cultural changes and scientific obstacles were not reported as imminent threats to the new system. In light of the above, Six-sigma was found to be suitable for R&D in FMCG companies requiring only a few modifications in its standards and a well-defined strategic implementation plan.


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Cómo citar

Lütkenhaus, D., & de Freitas, M. N. (2016). Strategic management applied to the Six-Sigma suitability appraisal for R&D in FMCG companies. Revista IPecege, 2(1), 80–99.



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