Planning and executing a research project using the PMBOK guide
DOI: clave:
management; filter cake; sugar caneResumen
The concern with the sustainability of agricultural production has encouraged the search for alternative management of soil fertility, reducing the use of mineral fertilizers and increasing the use of organic materials. The use of filter cake as a fertilizer has expanded in the sugarcane fields. However, despite some studies confirming its technical viability, it is not verified the widespread used. The aim of this work was to plan and execute a research project to obtain an overview of the perception of researchers and rural producers about the use of filter cake in the fertilization of sugarcane culture, using the PMBOK guide. The planning and execution of the study project addressed two areas of knowledge in project management: scope and time. A questionnaire was made on the Google Forms platform for the main project stakeholders (rural producers, researchers and employees in the sugar and alcohol sector). The participants understand that the search for sustainability in the cultivation of sugarcane is not only a market trend, but also a strategy for their business and / or research, and that they are up-to-date on the trends in the sector in which they work and are in agreement with their aim of achieving a more sustainable production system. We concluded that the perception of stakeholders about the use of filter cake as a fertilizer in the cultivation of sugarcane is positive, however, actions are necessary to reconcile both the interests of users and those of the suppliers of filter cake.
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