Produção de vídeos e o uso do GODP para a orientação de profissionais de TI

Video production and the use of GODP to guide IT professionals


  • Josemar Coelho Felix
  • Mauricio José Vera Failache



design, mercado de trabalho, projetos ágeis, YouTube


The practice of video design is associated with the development of a survey of the needs of the public, which goes through several stages until its materialization and availability in virtual environments. Thus, this research aimed to apply the Guidance for Project Development (GODP) in the practice of content production for professional guidance. For that, a quantitative and qualitative applied research of descriptive nature was used, which through an interconnection between the bibliographic research and an action research, enabled the development of videos for the Youtube platform. Initially, studies were carried out in companies associated with a university laboratory, and then the information was cross-referenced with characteristics of the students who made up the academic environment. The results showed that the GODP applied to the design practice of digital content production, helped to understand the job market and the main characteristics of two professionals who stand out in the field of Information Technology. This initiative also helped in the search for grounding in the literature, in addition to obtaining feedback from users on what improvements should be made in the construction of the proposal. However, the use of the aforementioned practice allowed us to obtain relevant information that facilitates the construction of future professionals.

Author Biographies

Josemar Coelho Felix

Mestrando em Ciência da Computação. Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Rua Dom Orione 119, Centro, 36420-000, Ouro Branco, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Mauricio José Vera Failache

Universidade Paulista (UNIP – Campus Ribeirão Preto). Rua Doutor João Gomes Rocha, 571, Jardim Irajá, 14020-550, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil


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How to Cite

Felix, J. C., & Failache, M. J. V. . (2023). Produção de vídeos e o uso do GODP para a orientação de profissionais de TI: Video production and the use of GODP to guide IT professionals. Quaestum, 4, 1–15.


