Infraestrutura e priorização do nível de criticidade das escolas de tempo integral de um Estado Brasileiro
Infrastructure and prioritization of the criticality level of full-time schools in a Brazilian State
estimativa de custo, infraestrutura escolar, priorizaçãoAbstract
The full-time schools are public policy centered on a student's life plan. The school infrastructure is a determining factor to guarantee the good execution, ensure the provision of quality education, and interferes directly in factor with school dropout, therefore, a good allocating of resources that aimed at carrying out interventions in the physical structure of schools proves to be a key factor. The applied methodology was based on the use of the design thinking approach, for analyzing the variables that would be used throughout the analysis and creating weights for prioritization, at the end of this step, a predictive approach was used, using steps described in the PMBOK guide, with scope, schedule and stakeholder management. For the visualization and presentation of the results, in addition to the common presentation tools and spreadsheet, the “Power BI” software was used, aiming to provide a dynamic and usable solution. It can be concluded that the analysis enabled the creation of tools that can help and clarify the prioritization of schools to receive interventions, based on qualitative and quantitative data on the criticality level of each room and criteria built from the opinion of various actors, as well a cost estimate for these interventions, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.
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